

Interminttent Claudication

  • Vascular
    Abnormal foot pulses, arterial bruits, relief of symptoms by standing, a constant claudicating distance and stocking sensory loss.
  • Neurogenic
    Discomfort on lifting, bending, coughing or sneezing, pain on standing, history of back injury, variable claudicating distance and segmental sensory loss.

Reference: J Neurol Sci. 1978 Oct;38(3):337-45 Neurogenic and vascular claudication

Intermittent Claudication

Reference: NEJM 356;12  March 22, 2007 Intermittent Claudication

Interminttent Claudication

Reference: AFP 57(8) April 15, 1998 Lumbar Spine Stenosis: A Common Cause of Back and Leg Pain

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